Selection procedure for the awarding of 1 fixed-time research assistant contract/s for collaboration at research activity
Decree Nr. 1150/2020 of 01.10.2020 - Call
Faculty of Science and Technology
Academic discipline: AGR/19 (Animal science)
Academic recruitment field: 07/G1 (Animal science and technology)
Supervisor Prof./Dr.: Gauly Matthias
Title of research project: A Welfare Assessment Tool for South Tyrolean cattle farm (W.A.T.S.)
Before filling out the online application form, we would like to inform you that the procedure is carried out according to the attached call.
The following browsers are recommended: Mozilla Firefox or Google Crome. When using Internet Explorer, you must have the latest version supported by Microsoft.
We would like to point out that:
The self-declarations requested in the course of the application are made in accordance with art. 46 and 47 of DPR 445/2000. Self-declarations may be used by Italian and European Community citizens without restriction. For Non-EU-citizens legally residing in Italy, the provisions of the D.P.R. 445/2000, art. 3 apply, which allow the use of the self-declarations as per art. 46 and 47 of the D.P.R. 28th December 2000, no. 445 only if it is a question of proving states, facts and personal qualities that can be certified by Italian public bodies. Therefore, in the case of Non-EU citizens, except in the case mentioned above, the states, facts and personal qualities must be proven through the production of certificates or attestations issued by the competent authority of the foreign state. In application of art. 33 DPR 28.12.00, n. 445, for documents drawn up in a different foreign language from English, French, German and Spanish, a translation into Italian must be attached, certified by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular representation or by an official translator. The Commission of Selection may ask candidates to integrate their publications in English, French, German or Spanish by sending them a translation into Italian.
Untrue declarations are punishable under the Penal Code and special laws on the subject.
Once you have completed entering the required data and attachments in the application form, we recommend that you do the following:
We would like to point out that:
Protection of personal data
With reference of the European Regulation 2016/679, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, as data controller of this selection procedure, informs that the data contained in the application documents will be used exclusively for the implementation of this selection procedure and the possible conclusion of the contract (see enclosed data protection instructions). The winner of the selection procedure will be appointed as an external data processing manager at the time of the appointment.
Anthesi Srl, with registered office in via Segantini 23, 38122 Trento (TN), is the external data processing manager, only regarding the online management of the online application.
To complete the form, please have the following documents at your disposal:
Only when completing of one of the two validation methods, will it be possible to complete the online registration procedure, at the end of which the candidate will receive a confirmation message sent to the address provided during the application process. Because the confirmation message is recognised as official confirmation of receipt, in the case of non-receipt you must contact the Personnel Office Academic Staff to verify that the application has been registered correctly.